
Safe, accessible, and community-focused transport

There are very good public transport links in and around the Milbourne Lodge area and we also offer a School Bus from the Wimbledon and Putney Areas. Many pupils are dropped off outside the school which is situated in a residential area. We always remind all parents and carers to drive very slowly and also to exercise extreme care when approaching or leaving the vicinity of the school. A special parking and drop-off system is managed in the morning to ensure that all children arrive in school safely.

Our Reception parents have use of the Church Car Park at morning drop-off and a member of our Pre-Prep staff is on hand to help take the children in to school each morning.

Home to School Bus Service

We are pleased to offer our families the option of a school bus service. Our aim is to serve as much of our local catchment as possible, and we work with parents to determine which routes are required and do our best to plan accordingly.

We have a chaperone on the school bus to assist the children at the various stops where needed and provides support during the journey.

If you are considering transport options for your child for September 2024, feel free to reach out to our Admissions Team for further discussion.

The school bus is available to children in Years 1 – 8 and Reception children once they have turned 5. Priority will be given to those children who will be using the full service i.e 5 mornings and 5 afternoons per week. Parents may select one of the following Travel options. The termly costs for 2023-2024 are shown in the table below:

Cognita Connect Offer Title
Wimbledon stops (W1-4)
Surbiton stop (S2)
Full User – 5 mornings & 5 afternoons£741.60£690.10
Mornings only/Afternoons only£535.60£494.40

Have a query?

Any queries regarding the Home to School Bus Service should be directed to the School Office:

Join us for a personal tour

We warmly welcome families during term time, offering tailored personal tours on a day that suits you.

Enjoy an informative meeting with Mrs Waite, who will chat to you about your child and what Milbourne can do for them, and answer any questions you may have, followed by a guided tour of the school.

Milbourne Lodge School