Building essential life skills and academic excellence
We understand that adaptability, thinking critically and thinking for oneself are core life skills for the contemporary world.
We lay the foundations for academic excellence and an impressive number of Milbourne Lodge Alumni graduating from senior school go on to study at Oxbridge. We guide our pupils through the Pre-Prep department where the love of learning and desire to know more begins. Our curriculum prepares children for their next choice of school, having developed confidence and self-assurance from the early days in the Pre-Prep and Prep departments.
Empowering futures
As the pupils move into our Senior Years (Years 7 and 8) we offer French, Spanish, Drama and Latin alongside the other core subjects.
By the end of their time at Milbourne Lodge each child understands that there is a much greater depth to what they are studying and they are fully prepared to start their GCSEs in Senior School.